Cell Songs

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Cell Songs.jpg

Cell Songs


Setting concepts to music is a great way for students to review and solidify their learning. Plus it’s a lot of fun!

This project is best in a short time-line to keep students focused. 1-2 days for writing and practice and 1-2 for performances, depending on how long the class time is and how many groups there are.

This works best in groups of 3-5.

General steps for the project:

• Pick a song to change the words to. Here are a couple of different options for choosing songs. One option can be used or a mixture, depending on the student level and classroom policies.
o Allow students to use devices to select popular songs that have a karaoke version so that this can be played when they perform. Older students especially enjoy this. 
• Write a song that teaches about cells and their parts.
• Practice it until everyone knows it by heart
• Perform it for the class. You can add movement, props or costumes (bring these in) to improve your overall presentation.

Many teachers use rubrics for grading and these have been provided for each project. They can be used to grade the end product, or for students to use as a guideline so that they know what the expectations are for success. The rubrics are designed a little differently than most, as descriptors have only been written for the 1, 3 and 5 on the 5 point scale. This was done to leave the teacher a little “wiggle room”, the 2 and 4 is what is in between in the description and can be left somewhat subjective.

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