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District/School Wide Professional Development

Looking for an energetic and hands-on professional development session for your school or district? Dr. Ragatz can provide that in half or full day sessions. Her workshops are relevant to today’s teachers and provide them with ideas to use in their classrooms right away.

Topics include:

  • Using Games in the Classroom to Enhance Student Engagement

  • Girl and Boy Brains and How the Differences Affect the Classroom

  • Differentiated Instruction

  • Team Building

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Teacher Mentoring/Coaching

As an individual teacher, are there professional development needs that are not being met by your district? Consider hiring Dr. Ragatz as a personal mentor/coach to help you through the tough patches in your career path. This can be individual or a small group of four colleagues.

Topics include:

  • Differentiated Instruction

  • Meeting the Needs of a High Ability Students in a Regular Classroom

  • Classroom/Time Management

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Parent Consulting

Parenting is a daunting task and, if you have a gifted child, your local resources may be limited. Dr. Ragatz has successfully raised her two gifted sons, as well as worked with countless parents of her students. She helps them with issues at home, school, and to navigate the complicated world of school choices. Dr. Ragatz is available to work with individual families or speak to parent groups.

Topics include:

  • Girl and Boy Brains

  • Executive Function (organization)

  • Understanding the Teen Brain

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Custom Workshops

Interested in having Dr. Ragatz speak to your group but not finding just the right topic? The topics listed above are just a few of her most popular workshops. Check out her Resume above for a more complete list of presentation topics. She is willing to work with you for the perfect fit.


Highlights from Past Presentations

From Dr. Carolyn Ragatz' presentation, given at the 2017 CAG conference in San Diego, California.

Dr. Carolyn M. Ragatz presenting "Games Galore" at the 2017 AAGT Conference.