Ben Franklin's Sayings
Ben Franklin's Sayings
The people of Colonial America liked to read the writings of Ben Franklin. He published a book called Poor Richard’s Almanac in 1732, which ran for 25 years. He said that he “endeavored to make it both entertaining and useful.” What he wrote in his books was not original, but things he found in other sources.
Students can work individually or in pairs to create posters of Ben Franklin’s famous quotes. Teachers can have a list and students may pick from it or be randomly assigned each phrase. Older students can research and find the phrases themselves. It is best if they sign up for their phrase so that you don’t end up with a bunch of the same ones.
Use the Internet or copies of Poor Richard’s Almanac
Search Ben Franklin quotes: both these sites have extensive lists
Assignment Variation:
Older students: Use the computer to create a meme with one of the quotes.
Many teachers use rubrics for grading and these have been provided for this project. They can be used to grade the end product, or for students to use as a guideline so that they know what the expectations are for success. The rubrics are designed a little differently than most, as descriptors have only been written for the 1, 3 and 5 on the 5 point scale. This was done to leave the teacher a little “wiggle room”, the 2 and 4 is what is in between in the description and can be left somewhat subjective.